Everyday, I have the privilege of working with the most outstanding, professional and talented group of people, on gorgeous Oak Street, also know as, the epicenter of Chicago Fashion. I also get to work with one of my favorite designers, Rachel Lynn Chicago! Disclaimer: Not only do I wear Rachel's designs, I also sell them;) Today I had the opportunity to pick her brain...
Rachel, you're a Chicago native, how long have you been designing jewelry, and what inspires you?
Yes I am native! I love Chicago! I started making jewelry at a very young age. I was around seven years old when my mothers jewelry company started booming and she needed an extra set of hands to help her bead and knot the custom designs. More recently and after ten years in the fashion industry, I found myself back in the jewelry business and catching the design bug. I began trailing my mother and then finally started making pieces of my own. My esthetic is very different than my mothers but we have a blast inspiring one another. Before I knew it Rachel Lynn Chicago was a business, and for three years now it has been my avenue to make pieces for friends and clients that I love, as well as myself.
There are all different types of women in Chicago each with a personal esthetic and lifestyle of their own. I think the few things that ring true across the board is that every women wants a piece of jewelry that makes them feel good and beautiful. They want something easy, that is at a good value! Jewelry is an accessory that tells a story of who that person is and gives the outside world a glimpse into their expression of themselves. I remind myself of this every time I design and handcraft a piece of jewelry.
We are patiently awaiting Spring here in the Mid-west, how do you incorporate a little "Spring" into your wardrobe when the weather isn't exactly cooperating?
I personally really enjoy my Mystic Labradorite Collections. The mystic gemstones, in this case natural labradorite; is heated. The heat changes the gemstone and gives it a higher potency of iridescence and a bright shine that emanates from the stone like a bright white light. These gemstones shine no matter how cloudy it may be outside; the only thing they don't offer is vitamin D!
Rachel, what are your personal favorite pieces of Jewelry?
My favorite piece of jewelry right now is a diamond pave dog tag. It is on a extra long chain so it falls under my long necklace category. I love long necklaces because they look perfect with any outfit! All the long necklaces I create for Rachel Lynn Chicago are perfect for layering; which for me are a must!
You've done some International travel this year, what pieces always travel with you?
Yes we took a beautiful memorable ski trip to Cortina Italy! Being such an active trip there weren't many opportunities to wear jewelry - most jewelry pieces can get in the way, snagged or tangled during fitness activities. Although, I did enjoy wearing my diamond pendant. A simple pendant that is about 16" long is perfect even for fitness and sport centered vacations. You can always clean a pendant, and at that length they are out of the way of getting caught or broken.
I am working on expanding my beaded necklace collections, they are the perfect match to the beaded bracelets and are extremely timeless!
Thank you for the interview! I can't wait to see what you write next Lisa the Jeweler!
Rachel Lynn Chicago is a Chicago based jewelry brand that includes jewelry for both men and women using only nature and hand selected gemstones. All pieces are one of a kind and created entirely by hand.
Keep up with Rachel at:
Shop the collection at Geneva Seal Jewelers in Chicago or online at www.rachellynnchicago.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/RACHEL-LYNN-CHICAGO/100397553349088
Twitter: @RachLynnChicago
Instagram: rachellynnchicago
Email: rachel@rachellynnchicago.com